Absorption on ES Spotted at Open at 5538s

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I’d like to cover something really interesting that happened today at market open on ES at 5538.78 before selling off all the way down to the 5508 for a nice 30 point flush. This as an aggressive ab

I have not seen this kind of selling of the open in a few weeks so I found it quit noteworthy and took the short as soon as it was spotted in my live stream today.

Photo of where the sell came and what the move resulted in per illustration below.

Check out the video on the link for Substack that has a short clip of the seller coming in at the high of the OPEN! 

Quick notes on what I noticed is right as price was reaching to the open high the offer on the ES at 539 went from 80 lots sitting at the offer to 182 quickly and over 100 lots traded on the center column on the ask . It is from there that price “stalls” and a seller beings to gobble up all the buying coming into the 38.75/39 spot.

Feel free to check out the full youtube video on my channel where you can see it in 0.5x speed to see it in action as it happens in seconds, my eyes catch it immediately and it outright short the level which netted me a nice 6 pts partial profit that ended up being a 30pt short top to bottom!

Full Youtube live stream here

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